Account Aggregator Ecosystem API Specifications

The Account Aggregator Ecosystem APIs describe the requirements for enabling real-time financial informations aggregation functionality as set forth in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Master Direction- Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) "DNBR.PD.009/03.10.119/2016-17.2016".

The following APIs are part of the specifications

  1. Account Aggregator (AA) API
  2. Financial Information Provider (FIP) API
  3. Financial Information User (FIU) Callback API

ReBIT can be contacted about these specifications at "".

Guidelines on the Mandatory and Optional Fields in the FI Type SchemaNewJan 23, 2025

Guidelines are published for Financial Information Providers (FIPs) on how to furnish values in mandatory and optional fields of all FI Type Schemas. The Financial Information Providers (FIPs) are required to adhere to the said guidelines while sharing the data through Account Aggregator Ecosystem. The document can be accessed here.

Deposit, RD, and TD FI Type Schema - Major Version 2.0.0 PublishedNewJan 23, 2025
  1. Major version 2.0.0 for Deposit, Recurring Deposit (RD) and Term Deposit (TD) FI type schema is published on January 23, 2025. Entities are advised to ensure the adoption of FI type schemas as per the timeline given in below published guidelines:
    Guidelines for Deposit, RD and TD FI Type schema Version 2.0.0 AdoptionImportant

  2. For monitoring the FI type schemas adoption, all the Financial Information Providers (FIPs) and Financial Information Users (FIUs) should submit Adoption Progress Report as per the published guidelines given in point 1. Additionally, all the Financial Information Providers (FIPs) are required to submit FI type schema Adoption Confirmation Report once the adoption is complete. Mandatorily refer to the published instructions before filling and submitting the Adoption Progress Report and Adoption Confirmation Report.

  3. The templates for Deposit, Recurring Deposit and Term Deposit Version 2.0.0 related submissions can be downloaded below:
    1. Deposit, RD, TD Version 2.0.0 - Adoption Progress Report
    2. Deposit, RD, TD Version 2.0.0 - Adoption Confirmation Report (only for FIPs)

The documents and templates mentioned above are also available in thesection of this website.

For any queries specific to the FI Type schema adoption, kindly send a mail to "".

Major API Version 2.0.0 – Decommission date extended for previous versions 1.x.x May 12, 2024
  1. As per the published guidelines, the decommission date for AA, FIP and FIU API Specification versions 1.x.x is extended till June 30, 2024. AAs, FIUs, and FIPs must become operational on Version 2.0.0 by May 31, 2024. Entities must track usage of the latest version to address any operational issues and decommission the previous version 1.x.x before June 30, 2024.

  2. To monitor the API Version 2.0.0 adoption, all the Account Aggregators (AAs) and Financial Information Providers (FIPs) are required to submit Adoption Progress reports to ReBIT weekly on every Tuesday by 5 PM starting May 21, 2024 as per the templates - AA Adoption Progress Report / FIP Adoption Progress Report. Mandatorily refer to the published instructions before filling and submitting the Adoption Progress report.

  3. Also, after decommissioning of API Version 1.x.x, AA and FIPs are required to submit a one-time adoption confirmation to ReBIT as per the given template.
    Entities need not send weekly adoption progress reports as per point 2 once the adoption confirmation is sent.

  4. All the submissions are to be sent to "".

Note: Guidelines referred in point 1 are updated with additional information. Points 2,3, and 4 in this section are added for API Version 2.0.0 Adoption monitoring till decommission date. (Updated May 14, 2024).

POST /Account/Discovery API: Use of additional identifiers 'PAN' and 'Date of Birth' for customer account discovery Jan 10, 2024

Guidelines are published for use of additional identifiers "PAN" and "Date of Birth" in POST /Account Discovery API. The document can be accessed here.

Note: This revised document replaces the "Use of additional Identifiers 'PAN' and 'Date of Birth' for customer account discovery" document published on 8th Nov 2023. Kindly note that only format of the document is changed and core content remains the same.

IRDAI FI Type Schemas PublishedOct 26, 2023

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) - Life and General Insuranceare now available. The related AA and FIP API specification changes are published as minor version 2.1.0.

Major API Version 2.0.0 Published Aug 09, 2023

Major API Version 2.0.0 is published for FIU, AA, and FIP API specifications. For monitoring the API Version 2.0.0 adoption, all the Account Aggregators (AAs) & Financial Information Provider (FIPs) should submit "Plan of Action" and "Adoption Progress Report" to ReBIT as per below guidelines:
Submissions required for API Version 2.0.0 AdoptionImportant

The templates for the API Version 2.0.0 related submissions can be downloaded below:

  1. Download Plan of Action Template
  2. Download AA - Adoption Progress Report Template
  3. Download FIP - Adoption Progress Report Template

For any queries specific to the API specification version 2.0.0, kindly send a mail to "".

Note: The document titled “Submissions required for API Version 2.0.0 Adoption” is updated on 23-01-2025 to revise the format of the document; however the core content remains the same.

The NBFC - AA API Specifications released vide circular "DOR NBFC (PD) CC.No.104/03.10.001/2019-20" are as below